Services - Digital

Digital Advertising

Search Engine Marketing allows your website to gain traffic and increase visibility on search engines, such as Google.

The two main ways of achieving this are SEO (Search Engine Marketing), and Paid Search Advertising.

Paid Search Advertising is a very instant way of achieving results from search engines (primarily Google as the most popular). Idea manages paid advertising campaigns to deliver immediate and targeted traffic to our clients’ websites.

As part of our SEM monthly retainer, we conduct an advanced keyword research using the best paid online tools that will provide the insights needed for your optimisation and paid search strategy.

We set up and manage Google Ads campaigns from scratch, optimising them on a weekly basis to ensure they are delivering the best results for your business, as cost-effectively as possible.

Each and every single campaign we currently run on Google Ads is getting higher metrics than the industry average. So if you’d like your campaigns to be budget-wise and provide the highest ROI possible, then our PPC experts can make that happen for you.

As a complement to PPC campaigns, we can also implement:

– Google Display Campaigns
YouTube Video Campaigns

Google Display Campaigns show banner ads over a wide variety of sites and blogs that are part of Google Display Network.

This type of advertising is particularly useful for remarketing, which allows ads to be shown to users that have previously visited your website and shown signs of interest.

YouTube Video Campaigns allows you to get a strategic presence on the most popular video platform (and second-largest search engine) in the world, by showing video ads to the right audience, at the right time. 


PPC Marketing Services | Digital Advertising - Dublin

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