
  • Annual Report Design
  • Illustration
  • Infographics
  • Accessibile Documents

Project Overview

Since December 2022, Idea and our project partner Sooner Than Later, have been engaging with EirGrid and SONI across all their printed communications; Corporate, Stakeholder, Public Engagement Programmes and new Identity Implementation.
Annual Report
The 2022 EirGrid Group Annual Report was the first document produced under Eirgrids new visual identity, bringing a refreshed visual ‘look & feel’ to their communications.

Iconography, illustration and photography along with key infographics set out not only a report on the year past - but also setting out the vision of the years ahead.

The report was also designed from the outset to apply the best standards of accessibility and readability including full ‘screen-reader’ compatibility, and was produced in both English and Irish language versions.
An Annual Report is a detailed and insightful publication, a bringing together of all a company’s operations in one overview.

Cleanly and logically designed sections, standout key facts and figures and of course reporting of operational and financial results. The Eirgrid Annual Report serves as a key communicator to all interested parties and stakeholders.
Powering Up Dublin
Dublin’s electricity systems needs an upgrade, the power cables are aging and need to be replaced.

As part of the Public Engagement and Consultation campaign, we worked with the EirGrid teams across engineering and public engagement on suites of bespoke engagements across Dublin.

Producing printed materials including; route specific information brochures, reply forms, route maps using combined GIS and Google Maps data, Door Drops along all routes and exhibition materials for Public Information Roadshows which took place around the city.
With responsibility for developing, managing, and operating Ireland’s electricity grid, EirGrid is currently working in consultation with coastal communities and marine stakeholders to deliver up to 5GW of offshore wind power to the grid by 2030. This will be the first step in ultimately delivering over 30GW from offshore wind to the grid by 2050.

Idea have partnered in the delivery of consultation and information documents across a range of POS, Print and screen reader accessible materials, in both Irish and English language versions.

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